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  How To Get Funded

How To Get Funded            

How to get your project funded: Submit your project’s Executive Summary and Five Year Financial Projections, Personal Financial Statements, Company Audited Financial Statements and Interim Statements, and the Appraisal for review. We will perform an in-depth review and advise you of our interest. If we decide to take on your project, we will provide you with our fee and non-circumvention, non-disclosure agreement to be duly executed and return. On receipt of the signed agreement we will request the following information that will help us prepare your submission request to a bone fide lender. This application process is mainly prepared for commercial real estate, but can be rearranged to suite other types of financing requests.

Application and Corporate Information:
Names of principals, main contact person, full address of each, telephones, fax, email
Name and address of the project.

Type of Financing Requested:
Conventional, Bridge, Hard Money, Mezzanine, Collateral Enhancement, Equity Partner, or other.

Type of Project:
Acquisition, Purchase, Development, Construction, Refinance, Cash Out Refinance, Standby Letter of Credit

Loan amount Requested:
US Dollars Only

Loan to Values:
Loan to value sought, As is Value or Appraisal Value, Disposition Values. If there is construction or development, the Estimated Fair Market or Future Value at completion of the project.

Property Information:
Type of Real Estate and Description (number of units, acreage, square footage, age, condition etc.
Date of Purchase, Purchase price, Borrower’s down payment, Borrowers Cash investment in the property to date, If none, how much are you willing to invest? Borrower’s current equity in the property, Borrower’s current debt against the property, Liens or back taxes owed on the property, is the property a Purchase only or Development transaction? Do you have control of the land, by what means and for how long? If no, explain.

Explain the type of collateral you have to cover the loan request. Are there other properties free and clear that may be offered as cross collateral? Can you provide a surety bond? Explain any other form of collateral.

Projected Cash Flow Information:
Gross income for five consecutive years, Gross Expenses for five consecutive years, Net Operating Income (NOI) for the five consecutive years. If the financing request is for income producing property, the first year Income and expenses must be broken down by month in order to ascertain Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA).

Names, Net Worth, Liquidity, Credit Summary.

Management Background:
Short explanation of qualifications and experience of top management

Explain Business Financial Overview.

Explain Market Definition

Explain Marketing Plan

Joint Venture Partnership:
If applicable would you consider giving up a percentage of equity in the project to a joint venture, if it was necessary to gain approval? If yes, how much percentage are you willing to relinquish?

Which of the following documents are currently available?
Executive Summary, Completed Business Plan, Pro-Forma or Contract Agreements, management Profile, Organizational Chart, Financials, Resumes of the Management, Expected Breakdown Use of Funds, Bank Guarantee or other Collateral Instrument, Letter of Intent to Supply the Instrument from a rated Institution, Letter of Intent or Loan Offer already issued by a Lender, any other information relating to your funding request.

If selling project off, what presales are in place?

List any other Real Estate holdings.

Availability of Third Party Documentation (Indicate each availability item).
MAI Appraisal, date completed, Title Opinion, Title Commitment, Title policy, Date Completed, Feasibility Study, Date completed by whom, Entitlements, Date completed or anticipated completion, Architectural Drawings,  Environmental reports, EPA Phase 1, EPA Phase 2, Asbestos, Lead Paint.

Itemized Use of Funds Statement:
Itemized hard and soft cost, miscellaneous

Exit Strategy
Describe how the investor will get his money back. what is your offer? What is the plan for the company? ie: Take the company public (public offering), keep the company or sell?

Factors of Risk and Strategies for the Risk Diminution
What are risks for the investor and what strategies will be employed to diminish those risks?

Project Description
Write a clear one page description of the project.

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